Display optimization measures

The optimization of products only makes the product structure more reasonable and more in line with consumer needs. However, if the best products are not matched with the display location and display space, the sales will be greatly reduced. Display optimization mainly considers the following aspects:

1. The rationality of the display layout

Simply put, it is to display appropriate products in the right place. For example, display products that can represent the store’s characteristics and image and have good sales performance in the best space, and display general products in places with general space and general passenger flow. Seasonal products are displayed in places with large space and large passenger flow, so that important categories are placed in a conspicuous position, which can attract consumers' attention, stimulate their desire to buy, and increase the probability of shopping.

2. The rationality of the display method

Considering the visual effect of the shelf, displaying high-contribution products in a position that is level with the customer’s line of sight and directly visible will have a better sales effect. The sales rate of products within this range is 50%.


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