Design tips for clothing stores and fitting rooms

In terms of the color to be tried in the fitting room, we suggest that it is better to be conspicuous while matching the color in the store. It is best to arrange it in the fitting room. The warm and convenient coat hook must be set up. It’s best to be close to the checkout counter in a dead corner that is not used or a place that does not occupy a display area.

Urbanites in the rest area are exhausted in the southern and political circles, and their physical and mental fatigue is self-evident. Under the condition of the small size of the store, the operator can ingeniously set up a rest area to create a shopping "paradise" for customers. Among them, an exquisite bar, a few bottles of high-end wine, three or five connected notebooks and full of leisure Fashionable magazines can completely relieve the tension of customers. At the same time, the clever setting of the rest area can also invisibly separate different styles of clothing, and after a rest, customers can also return to the advertising and publicity of the scriptures.


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