How to display winter down jackets?

1. Repeat display

People will be more impressed by the repetitive things, so if you want others to remember you, you can use the repetitive display to make customers feel the repeated visual impact through the cues of emphasis, thereby generating memory for the product.

Through a down jacket, using repeated props and uniform postures, repeatedly emphasized the display in the window, so that consumers can easily notice this product.

This repetitive display method is especially suitable for high-customer single products such as down jackets, and the display of the shop owner's promotion. It can attract customers to a great extent and guide them to buy in the store.


2. Zoom in/out the display

By enlarging the props, it forms a "contrast" with the reduced model, giving people a lively visual experience!


3. Scene display

In addition to learning the display skills in the window, the most important thing is the scene design, so that your window can learn to "tell the story" by itself.

In this set of windows, the background is rendered with snow mountain posters, and then "winter snow" is used as a scene to highlight the winter atmosphere again, creating a "cold" feeling, highlighting the characteristics and uses of the products, and greatly deepening the winter atmosphere!


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