How to photograph clothes with invisible mannequin

Using invisible mannequins for your product images is an efficient and cost-effective way to promote your products.So the photographers need to know how to photograph clothing on a ghost mannequin.

1. Selecting the best size mannequin for your clothes

Invisible ghost mannequins exist for nearly all builds, sizes and shapes. There are invisible mannequins for men, women, and children, with options for full body mannequins, or only ghost mannequin torsos and legs.

When choosing an invisible ghost mannequin, always base your decision on the clothes you need to photograph. The mannequin must be the correct size and shape to accurately present the cut and style of the apparel.

We had a wide variety of mannequins you can choose.


If the mannequin is too large, you risk stretching the garment’s fabric, or, worse, the clothes not fitting at all. The clothing should fit and flow naturally on the contours of the mannequin, with no unsightly creases or bunching.

2. Posing the invisible mannequin in right way.

As you could see, there are many removable pieces of the invisible mannequin, you need to remove the pieces to make the mannequin invisible after you put the clothes on and in Photoshop, meanwhile ensure the clothes are propped up.


Depending on your needs, you could choose to purchase a mannequin with or without arms, hands, legs or neckline.

3. Photographing the products.

When photographing shirts, it’s important to position the camera to be directly level with the chest area, whereas the camera should be positioned across from the hip area to photograph bottoms.

Photographing a product from an angle that is either too high or too low may cause the garment to look “tapered” and inaccurate.

Meanwhile, you need to photograph the back and sides as well.

Also, it’s important to present clothing online from front-to-back, side-to-side, and up-close. If photographing a zip-up hoodie, for example, include side views of the arms, as well as the backside with the hood. When you photoshop the photos you will need them for your revision.

Using invisible ghost mannequin for clothes photography will not only make your products look more attractive and unique, it will also bring the look of your online store to a highly professional level. You will elevate your brand in customers’ eyes, and that will elevate sales.

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