The importance of window displays

The importance of window displays couldn’t be more apparent, following reports of the high street delivering its worst performance in 12 years.

This isn’t to say that physical retail is ineffective, as brands such as Missguided are evolving from purely online to a combined approach that includes physical stores.

However it does mean that window displays have more work to do than ever before, convincing customers that they should buy the products on display before whipping out their phone to search for an alternative while they’re still in the store. A whopping 60% of shoppers do this according to the PEW Research Centre, which further highlights the importance of window displays.

So how are retailers using window displays to attract and convert shoppers? If we look at the Dalziel & Pow-designed Missguided flagship, they have expertly integrated social interaction into animated screens, which not only provided animation, but also provide relevant, up-to-date and contextual messaging for the customer.

Again highlighting the importance of window displays, bases itself on the principle of movement.


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