How to define your apparel collection with mannequins

Defining a collection of clothes or items of different types doesn’t necessary imply the fact that we need to use specific mannequins only for the sake of accuracy; by defining a collection through the use of mannequins we refer mainly to valorize it, to put it into displays along with mannequins, props and other means to improve their visibility and attract customers.

This is the main reason for the development of the so-called “the art of mannequin”, a more systematic approach towards the conversion of a simple manufacturing of mannequins into a special form of art. Mannequins have grown in aspect, going along the postmodern mindset. We see now surreal mannequins and all the mannequins reflecting human emotions and expressions.


As stated before, the choice for mannequins is given by their customer-friendly appearance, meant to render a certain personality to the items of clothing they present. An expressive mannequin is the best choice because people don’t want to see a precise inexpressive mass representing something, because nobody buys random clothes, but outfits that shape our personality. We may think from now on at mannequins used in creative displays as to something that can really shape our way of getting dressed because the era of stoned and expressionless mannequins has come to an end.


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