Display method of mannequin

When we go shopping, we will find that every clothing store will have mannequins and models to show their clothes, and the forms of display are various.

Frequent changes: A clothing store deals with fashionable goods, and the fashion store should take on a new look every time there is a fashion trend. If the goods are not greatly changed, some changes can be made in the display, arrangement and decoration, which can also change the store into a new face and attract customers.


Decoration set off method: make some decoration foil in the clothing store, which can strengthen the artistic theme of clothing products and leave a deep impression on customers. Such as children's clothing shop on the wall painting some children's fun patterns, put a bouquet of flowers near the lovers wear, in a high-end fur clothing store placed a stuffed animal.

Mannequin modeling: With the exception of some traditional styles such as shirts, most fashions are sold directly to consumers.People see beautiful show, can mistake oneself to put on also be so beautiful, this is a kind of psychology that cannot resist.

In addition to hanging display and shelf display stores.General someone stage, dummy model shows, beautiful shop assistant also can act as model.

Joint and several convenience: the series of articles needed by the same kind of consumption objects are put together, or the styles often matched are put together to facilitate the matching purchase of customers. This method of combined commodity sales is called joint and several convenience method.

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