Shop decoration, what pits should you avoid?

First of all, for offline retail stores, no matter what style or grade was originally decorated, basically 3 years is a cycle that needs to be updated. Otherwise, the store has already been updated in terms of fashion, functionality, and the most important visual experience of customers. After falling behind, there is no way to meet the ever-changing needs of fashion.


In addition, many stores, because they were not professional enough when they were renovated, will seriously affect the sales of the store. Therefore, this is also something that many store owners must consider when upgrading the store. If it is not resolved in time, it will eventually lead to store performance. Gradually decline, so that it can not continue to operate in the end. Maybe you don’t know where the problem exists in your store. You need to improve your display level to find the source of the problem and correct it to ensure the store’s sales performance. In the next issue, I will share a few cases with you to see where there are problems.


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