Experiential shopping era

Now the retail industry is no longer a golden age for registering a logo abroad and pricing it according to international brands.The speed of information dissemination of light speed makes the fashion industry chain become more and more transparent, and it is becoming more and more difficult to create high value-added brands.Consumers pay more attention to the cost-effective shopping experience, so the creation of the shopping experience has become the most important aspect of brand value-added.



Nowadays, they are all creating online red stores, hoping to achieve the role of publicity and promotion through the spread of the platform of the media. Many online red stores are relying on spontaneous communication. Therefore, the role of the store is more than just a place to shop. The visual experience is very important. Is the window window enough? In, dazzling, attractive, the background and glamor of the rest area are not very good to take pictures, can you see it? Many of the designs that are not normally seen are the most important manifestations of current retail stores.


The business value of the theme marketing, according to the shopping needs of customers in the region, the characteristics of consumer psychology, regional culture, refer to the different genres of the shopping mall, determine the staged central theme of the store, and then in the space processing, environmental shaping, image design, etc. The business theme is consistently expressed andtruly functions as a business culture information center.


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