How do you take pictures of clothes without mannequins?

Product photography is a must for an online business or apparel business owner. It allows them to reach their goals. They can spend as much as they can on product photography in order to build their brand. We need to invite professional models to show us the clothes and pay them exorbitant shooting fees. Humans get tired and need rest, but mannequins don't.

To keep your photography costs down and save your cash, you need not hesitate to opt for model-free photography to sell your apparel products. As a result, ghost mannequins dedicated to photography have appeared on the market.

First allow me to introduce AFELLOW's ghost mannequins.

The ghost mannequin is gradually developed various styles according to the photography needs of StyleShoots, so that the clothing photography company can shoot various styles of clothing products.

After simple retouching, the product image can be generated, saving the labor costs and props cost of shooting different clothing, makes the clothing you photograph more three-dimensional and looks more real.


How do you take good pictures to sell clothes?

At the point when you take photos of clothing for your e-commerce business, you must give emphasis on the photo quality and image angle. You should have a great-quality camera, proper lighting, a tripod, mannequin or model, a studio backdrop tool , and many more things. After that, you can do the image editing work. This is the way you can take perfect images to enhance your online business.

Dress the ghost mannequin

Beginning with the sleeves, tenderly dress the mannequin in the overcoat (or any clothing of your choice so far as that is concerned).

Fix the shoulders and ensure the creases line up with the mannequin’s shoulders. Set aside the effort to guarantee that there is no perceptible extending of the texture.

Presently you will see the coating is uncovered, as though an imperceptible individual were wearing it.

Style your piece of clothing

For any spaces where the piece of clothing doesn't fit impeccably, utilize a mix of styling pins on the backboard to fix things up. Tissue paper is additionally unbelievably valuable to help 'mass' out regions you'd prefer to offer accentuation to. Also, you need diffusers and delicate boxes.

Invest some energy to style the overcoat, ensuring it fits on the ghost mannequin evenly and that there are no recognizable wrinkles.


Clothing product photoshoot

Set up your exposure and lighting so it features the vital provisions of the jacket without muffling any tones.

Then, center your focal point and decide on efforts that cover the coat overall, yet additionally, zoom in to the coating and sewing. Then start taking ghost photography.

Final Words on ghost mannequin photo editing

Flat lay photography is one of the easiest and financially savvy approaches to photo clothing items. One should always remember that the customers are frequently reluctant to buy products as they can’t envision how the products will look on them.

That is the reason the photos should be clear and attractive. So this kind of photography is awesome for any person who is simply beginning a business with a low financial plan. So this is the thing that precisely photographic artists need when they capture an image of any product like a T-shirt and other clothing items.

In the photos taken with ghost mannequins, you can only see your beautiful clothes, not the model, as if ghosts are wearing clothes, which is also the source of the ghost model's name. The clothes are fully propped up, not flat on the ground. Your client can totally look at the picture and imagine how it would look if he bought the dress himself.

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