Mother love is great ---Mother&Baby mannequin.

Mother love is heavy because she has ten months of pregnancy. She becomes less beautiful for you.


Mother love is painful because she suffers from the pian of childbirth.She was very close to death for you.Mother love is heavy because she embraces you into her bosom day and night.She never complains about that for you.


Mother love is soft because she accompanies with your growth.She becomes older than before for you.Mother love is heavy because she is always talking and talking.Shetalks all things about you.

Mother love is gentle because she takes care of you with caution.She sings lightly just for your sleeping soundly.


Mother love is deep because she puts all of you into her heart deeply.She makes painstaking efforts to teach you.

Mother love is eternal because she is right behind you forever.She is just worried about youall her life.

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