Color is the key to good display

Do you have any feeling that many stores will look very depressing and monotonous, but the root cause is the improper display of colors, so our store can start with color first, and directly make the store appear bright and "big".

We can adjust and distinguish the products according to the color tone around the color of the store. Using the color display method, you can follow the following steps:


Tip 1. Light colors will make our space look more empty. The store with white walls will look bigger than the store with black walls, and the same is true for the display of clothes. When we mainly use light-colored clothes such as white, it will look more empty. When we mainly use dark clothes, the display will be left blank, and the distance between each clothes will be enlarged, and some mannequins will be used for clothing display, which will also make our products look more advanced!


Tip 2. It is best to have no more than 3 main tones. The more tones, the heavier the sense of volume and the more complex it looks. Especially the main colors of autumn and winter, once more than 3, it will appear more messy and unfocused, and relatively speaking, it will make customers feel cheap.


Skill 3. Keys, gradient keys and gradients are color display techniques that are very suitable for autumn and winter: the keyboard display is to display two shades of color at intervals, such as black and white, dark coffee and light coffee, etc. This display makes the store look rhythmic and stylish. dynamic. When there are many dark clothes, we can adjust the interval and properly intersperse white between dark colors to avoid the dull feeling brought by dark colors. Gradient display is the display of colors from dark to light and from light to dark. It has strong regularity and can easily create a sense of space. It is very effective for our small store to be used! Of course, for gradient display, the recommendation is from light to dark. From left to right, the reason is that this is more in line with human visual habits. The narrow and long store can be displayed from the door inward and shallow, making the store have a sense of extension.

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