• NI18-1
  • NI18-2
  • NI18-3
  • NI18-4
  • NI18-5


There is really no way to have a more beautiful language to describe this headless full body female mannequin. She is a sports-type mannequin with a slim figure but perfect muscle lines. 
Her body is straight, her feet are separated from her shoulders, her arms are placed beside her, and she looks at you with a proud gesture ,very confident.
Therefore, if you are looking for a female mannequin in a traditional classic pose, this headless full body female mannequin is the best choice. The NI-18 is absolutely suitable for all types of sportswear.
In addition to this static style, we also have a variety of dynamic, running, skiing, golfing, matching bust, pants model.


sports mannequin

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